Wahabi yassine : Expert du Web


About Me

L'expert du Web

Wahabi Yassine, Consultant , Expert E-commerce

"I've harnessed my digital expertise to create standout online campaigns for top brands, successfully pivoting to e-commerce to grow my own thriving ventures across Africa."

what do you know about me?

Who am I

I'm Yassine Wahabi, a dedicated digital entrepreneur with a rich history in the online world. My fascination with the internet began in 1998 when my father bought a modem to follow the World Cup, and I've been hooked ever since. I started by creating websites and quickly realized my potential in digital creativity

In 2003, I honed my skills in a graphic design school, where my talent caught the eye of industry professionals, leading me to explore audiovisual production. This pivotal experience allowed me to craft unforgettable online campaigns for major brands, solidifying my reputation as a digital innovator.

Driven by a desire for independence, I ventured into e-commerce, initially finding success but pausing due to market instability. After a three-year hiatus, I relaunched my brand and expanded my operations across Africa, focusing on countries like Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Mali, and Burkina Faso.

My entrepreneurial spirit is fueled by a commitment to excellence and a passion for pushing digital

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Je rédige ce blog de conseils en e-commerce pour partager 20 ans d'expérience dans le web, qui ont forgé mon savoir faire en matière d'accompagnement pour les entreprises qui souhaitent faire du e-commerce.

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